2011 No. 1

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2011, 29(1) doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2011.01.001
Abstract(693) PDF(0)
Highway Tunnel Contract Energy Management Mode
LIN Li'an, HAN Zhi, REN Qiliang
2011, 29(1): 1-3,45. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.001
Abstract(542) PDF(2)
A New Method for Determining Variable Speed Limits on Freeway
YU Kai, ZHANG Cunbao, SHI Yonghui
2011, 29(1): 4-7,15. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.002
Abstract(546) PDF(0)
Stochastic Process-based Traffic Conflict Predicting Model
ZHAO Yonghong, BAI Yu, YANG Xiaoguang
2011, 29(1): 8-11. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.003
Abstract(546) PDF(1)
Signal Timing Optimization of BRT Station near Intersection
ZHENG Shujian, XU Jianmin
2011, 29(1): 12-15. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.004
Abstract(604) PDF(0)
Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Traffic Flow and RBF Neural Network
GAO Wei, LU Baichuan, YUN Tianli, TAN Wei
2011, 29(1): 16-19,24. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.005
Abstract(520) PDF(0)
Capacity of Pedestrian Crosswalk at Intersection
FENG Shaohai, LI Shuqing, XIE Xiaozhong
2011, 29(1): 20-24. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.006
Abstract(469) PDF(3)
Port Competitiveness Analysis Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
2011, 29(1): 25-28. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.007
Abstract(507) PDF(0)
The Resolution of Urban Traffic Noise
CAI Weiming, CHEN Pengyu, CHEN Yongguang
2011, 29(1): 29-31,36. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.008
Abstract(554) PDF(0)
Evaluation System for Public Traffic in the Small and Medium-sized Cities
HUANG Sha, MENG Jingyu, WANG Xiaoyi
2011, 29(1): 32-36. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.009
Abstract(583) PDF(0)
Economic Contribution of Chongqing Port Based on Input-output Model
MAO Chaoyan, CHEN Junjie
2011, 29(1): 37-40. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.010
Abstract(218) PDF(0)
A Planning of Green and Energy Saving Optimized Transportation Route and Network
LIN Dajie, LIAU Changchun, CHANG Minjie
2011, 29(1): 41-45. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.011
Abstract(245) PDF(0)
Optimal Fleet Size of GPS-Taxi in a Cruising Taxi Market
CHANG S.K.Jason, WU Chihsuan, LIN Chihhsu
2011, 29(1): 46-50,58. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.012
Abstract(246) PDF(0)
Planning and Design of Intelligent System for Bus Rapid Transit
WANG Shaofei, GAO Naiming
2011, 29(1): 80-85,101. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.020
Abstract(228) PDF(0)
Analysis of Bus Lane Benefit
MA Hongjiang, ZHAO Yaxiu, LI Zheng, LU Baichuan
2011, 29(1): 86-88. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.021
Abstract(240) PDF(0)
Correlation Analysis Between Economic Growth and Urban Transportation Development Based on Kuznets Curve
DING Chuan, XIE Binglei, YAO Hongyun
2011, 29(1): 89-92,97. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.022
Abstract(222) PDF(0)
An Intelligent and Monitoring System of Road Test
HE Yi, WU Chaozhong, WU Yefu, ZHANG Liangli, SHI Yonghui
2011, 29(1): 93-97. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.023
Abstract(239) PDF(0)
Strengthening Systemic Management is the Groundwork of "Unimpeded Chongqing"
YAO Hongyun, WANG Liming
2011, 29(1): 98-101. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.024
Abstract(266) PDF(0)
Overview of the Development in Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure System Home and Abroad
CHEN Chao, LU Zhiyong, FU Shanshan, PENG Qi
2011, 29(1): 102-105,109. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.025
Abstract(363) PDF(5)
Pedestrian Traffic System Planning in Central City of Chongqing
GAO Jianjie, WU Xiangkang, HU Yiliang, YU Lianghui
2011, 29(1): 106-109. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.026
Abstract(271) PDF(0)
Logistics Architecture for Dynamic Distribution Services Planning System
LI Yannliang, YAO Chingbang, Weng Chintung, HUANG Wenchih
2011, 29(1): 110-116. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.027
Abstract(212) PDF(0)
Design of the Urban Expressway On-ramp Control and Its Simulation Analysis
QIN lei, YAO Hongyun, WANG Xiaoyi
2011, 29(1): 117-120. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.028
Abstract(196) PDF(0)
A Method of Data Time Registration in Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Tracking
LI Zheng, TAN Wei, MA Hongjiang, DU Yingying, LU Baichuan
2011, 29(1): 121-123. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.029
Abstract(214) PDF(0)
Numerical Simulation of Different Intake Pressures on High Density-Low Temperature Diesel Combustion
LIU Jianxun, WAN Pupeng, ZHAO Erli, ZHANG Yu
2011, 29(1): 124-127. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.030
Abstract(251) PDF(0)
Localization and Ranging Technologies in Cooperative Collision Warning System
MA Xinlu
2011, 29(1): 128-131. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.031
Abstract(248) PDF(0)
Resolving the Issues of Developing Open Telematics Bundle Services in Taiwan
LIU Dingyi, DENG Chenxing, CHEN Guoyue
2011, 29(1): 132-138. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.032
Abstract(259) PDF(0)
MRT Timetable and Energy Conservation
YAN Bangjie, ZHANG Zhenqiu, LIN Zhiming, ZHONG Renyang, LIN Jiasheng
2011, 29(1): 139-144. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.033
Abstract(228) PDF(0)
Transportation Safety
Safety Model Based on Vehicle-Road Coordination for Mountainous Highways
YANG Zhigang, ZHANG Yan, YAO Hongyun, ZHANG Huan
2011, 29(1): 51-54. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.013
Abstract(216) PDF(0)
Development of an Early-warning System for Mountainous Highways
ZHANG Huan, YANG Zhigang, ZHANG Yan
2011, 29(1): 55-58. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.014
Abstract(251) PDF(0)
Current Situation of Freeway Safety in China and Its Countermeasures
CHEN Chen, GAO Song, WU Chaozhong, ZHOU Ying
2011, 29(1): 59-63. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.015
Abstract(243) PDF(0)
Application of Speed Bump to Campus Traffic Safety
LI Jiashun, LI Shuqing, QIAN Xiaobing
2011, 29(1): 64-67,131. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.016
Abstract(239) PDF(2)
A Model of Traffic Accident Forecast Based on BP Neural Network
TANG Qiusheng, DU Yingying
2011, 29(1): 68-70. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.017
Abstract(231) PDF(0)
The Behaviors Risk and Safety of Drunk Driving
CHEN Yichang, ZHOU Wenjing, LIN Dajie, CHANG Liyen, HUANG Qixiu, YANG Tingting
2011, 29(1): 71-74. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.018
Abstract(264) PDF(0)
A Recognition Study of Identifying Motorcyclists without Helmet
FAN Chunhai, SHUE Taichang
2011, 29(1): 75-79,120. doi: 10.3963/j.ISSN1674-4861.2011.01.019
Abstract(316) PDF(1)