2014 No. 1

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2014, (1)
Abstract(284) PDF(1)
Face Recognition for Fatigue Risk Assessment of Air Traffic Controllers
SUN Ruishan, SHI Zengpeng, WANG Junhu
2014, (1): 1-4. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.001
Abstract(354) PDF(2)
The major responsibility of air traffic controllers is dispatching and routing air traffic to prevent aircraft collisions ,which demands vigor and highly concentrated attention .Therefore ,the efficient detection of the controllers'i-dentity and their fatigue conditions plays a significant role in guaranteeing normal flight and safety performance evalua -tion .Based on the facial recognition technology ,this paper takes advantage of the OpenCV development platform and im-age binarization method as well as template matching technology to detect the controllers 'identity and their fatigue condi-tions .Comparatively detection effect has been obtained with a fatigue testing rate of 80% ,which provides the controllers of this risk management work with some references .
FCD-based Identification Method for Urban Recurrent Traffic Congestions
ZHANG Xiaoyan, SONG Guohua, ZHU Lin, HE Weinan, SUN Jianping, YU Lei
2014, (1): 5-9,15. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.002
Abstract(292) PDF(2)
The recurrent traffic congestion has seriously affected the operating efficiency of urban road network .I-dentification of recurrent traffic congestions is the primary task of transportation agencies to solve the problem of traffic congestions .By using Floating Car Data (FCD) as the data basis ,this paper first determined the time aggregation level for analyzing FCD samples .Then ,from the aspect of spatial-temporal distribution characteristics ,this paper established three-stage screening indexes of recurrent traffic congestions ,including CThreshold ,CPercentage ,and CTime .By using the GIS technology and with combination of the indexes ,a spatial-temporal-distribution-based screening platform of recur-rent traffic congestion was developed .Finally ,this paper conducted a case study in Beijing and identified the recurrent traffic congestions for the morning peak hours .Based on the result analysis and comparisons with the relevant data ,it is demonstrated that this study is able to represent the characteristics of recurrent congestions and the congestion mitigation effect in recent years .
Analysis of the Characteristics of Transportation System of Small Cities and Towns and Corresponding Implications in Public Transportation Planning
JIANG Xinkai, YANG Xiaoguang
2014, (1): 10-15. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.003
Abstract(224) PDF(1)
First of all ,this paper studies the definition and the concept of small city /town based on a study of many different classification criteria .Second ,this paper analyzes the key characteristics of small cities and towns ,including so-cioeconomic status ,land-use density / distribution ,residential travel and transit demand and supply .Then ,a set of indi-ces are developed to quantify the characteristics of the transportation systems of the small cities and towns ,which then are compared with those for big and middle-size cities .This helps further clarify the concept of small cities /towns and the fea-tures of transportation systems of them are identified .At last ,considering the transit development in small cites and towns ,a set of recommended indicators for optimizing transit network planning process are provided .
Actuated Intersection Signal Control Using Probability Model
JING Tai, LYU Bin, HAO Binbin
2014, (1): 16-20. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.004
Abstract(305) PDF(0)
Under the influence of various factors the initial green time and vehicles arrivals obey probability distribu -tion properties .This research proposes a new intersection actuated control model for optimizing maximum green time by using average delay ,number of stops ,and queue length as evaluation indicators .By using the Vissim simulation soft-ware ,the model is compared with the traditional actuated control models .Simulation results show that the proposed algo-rithm shows better improvement under different vehicle saturation levels ,where the traditional models can only have lim-ited success .
Impact of Harbor-shaped Bus Stops on Road Section Capacity
2014, (1): 21-24. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.005
Abstract(385) PDF(10)
Based on the survey of harbor-shaped bus stops in the main roadways in Nanchang City ,this paper gen-erates a large quantity of traffic flow data from Vissim simulation .A neural network is built from the six parameters of the bus stop length ,number of waiting passengers ,number of lanes ,road vehicle average speed ,number of vehicles stopped in the stop ,and the import and export of the number average delay time ,etc .The ratio of section average vehicle delay to link capacity is used as the capacity reduction .The neural network is implemented in Matlab platform to obtain variable factors and output influence weights and bias values of connection strength of W and B ,which provides the quan-titative influence coefficient for the bus stops on the road capacity .
Applicability of Coordinated Signal Control Strategies for Urban Traffic in High Saturation
HUI Yanyan, JIANG Shengchuan, DU Yuchuan, WANG Ningming
2014, (1): 25-28. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.006
Abstract(330) PDF(1)
Simultaneous system and progressive system are two classic control systems in transportation .The tradi-tional progressive systems currently used in China are not sufficient to deal with high-saturation traffic flows .Further-more ,it even worsens the complex traffic conditions by inappropriate control strategies .For traffic states in high satura-tion ,the reason why progressive system doesn't work is analyzed ,and the simultaneous system as the signal control strat-egy is proposed .Based on the theory analysis ,effects of these two signal control strategies are compared in different satu-rations with Vissim simulation .The conclusion is drawn and proved with certain cases .
Recurrent Congestion Analysis Based on Speed Variation Characteristics on Urban Expressway
FENG Xingyu, ZHOU Chenjing, RONG Jian
2014, (1): 29-33. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.007
Abstract(327) PDF(1)
By using floating car technology on urban expressway ,time series speed data were obtained .The time series speed data were processed and then used to analyze and quantify the formation and dissipation of the recurred con -gestions on the bottleneck sections of Beijing expressways .First ,Wavelet analysis method was applied to reducing the noise in the time-series data .The traffic bottleneck condition can be divided into four states ,namely ,steady-state opera-tion ,formation of congestion ,congested state ,and dissipation of congestion according to the characteristics of speed vari-ation .Each traffic bottleneck state can be determined by applying the speed variation amount as the evaluation index .Sta-tistical method was used to determine the threshold from one state changing to another state .The index and threshold can be used to induct the traffic congestion formation time ,dissipation time and duration of congestion .The accuracy rate of the method for identifying traffic congestion is more than 80 percent .The method can provide significant practical benefit for congestion prediction and traffic management .
Reliability of Small-Scale Road Network Based on the Mechanism of First-Time Beyond
HONG Zhiyong, ZOU Zhijun, ZHANG Rui, ZHANG Bo
2014, (1): 34-37. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.008
Abstract(221) PDF(1)
Reliability index can be used to evaluate the performance of the road network .Traditional reliability index of road network is derived on the base of link unit ,which is difficult in data acquisition leading to its plight of application . This paper firstly analyzes the deficiencies of the traditional reliability index .Then ,by constructing a reasonable single-input and single-out structure model of road network based on travel time ,it derives a performance function to describe the reliability of road network .Based on the mechanism of First-Time Beyond ,this paper constructs a reliability model under the premise of the Poisson assumption .Finally ,the application of the mode is demonstrated on the Vissim plat-form .
Estimating ODs of Transit Routes with a Fluid Analogy Method
ZHANG Yu, GUO Shuxia, HU Xinghua, HUANG Weihong
2014, (1): 38-42. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.009
Abstract(275) PDF(1)
A fluid analogy method (FAM ) is presented in this paper for estimating ODs of transit passenger in Bei-jing .It is based on the concept of pipe flow ,where transit route and passengers are modeled as the pipes and fluid and the OD matrix of a bus route is estimated based on passenger boarding-alighting counts .The accuracy of the OD matrix esti-mated based on the boarding-alighting data is tested against the observed OD matrix obtained from the transit IC card data over the segmented pricing routes in Beijing .It is found out that the estimation errors for the OD matrix at the AM peak , the PM peak and within the whole day are more than 0 .75 .Meanwhile ,the correlation coefficient between the actual dis-tance traveled and estimated at the AM peak hours ,the PM peak hours and within the whole day is 0 .98 ,0 .98 and 0 .99 respectively ,which supports that the proposed FAM method shows a good accuracy and reliability in estimating OD ma -trix of transit route .Compared with traditional equalization algorithms and other analytical models ,the proposed method is simple ,efficient and has a unique solution .Therefore ,it is believed that the proposed FAM method should be useful for public transportation agencies in their scheduling and dispatching routines .
Design and Implementation of Ramp Meter Controller Based on NTCIP
BAI Siming, ZHANG Yongzhong, YANG Peizhou
2014, (1): 43-47,57. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.010
Abstract(202) PDF(1)
Ramp Meter Control (RMC) determines both the entrance and exit of ramp in urban expressway and the conditions of ground road traffic which it is associated with ,in order to ensure the "Interoperability" and "Interchangea-bility" between RMC and each unit of ITS system composition .RMC designed in this paper is based on ARM9G20 CPU core board to implement multi-interface control and extension .It follows NTCIP 1207 MIB to build the structure which contains the complete contents of object operation ,to send and receive information message of SNMP between the man-agement center and the ramp meter controller ,and to achieve read and set of objects in the database .The designed RMC realizes corresponding functions of NTCIP 1207 for traffic signal timing control in light groups ,and overcomes obstacles in coordination and communication of different controllers .
Assessment of Regional Traffic Road Condition Based on Time Series Prediction
WANG Zhijian, LI Min, DONG Luxi
2014, (1): 48-52,63. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.011
Abstract(200) PDF(1)
Assessment of regional traffic road condition is the basis of traffic management and travel route guidance . In order to evaluate the regional traffic road condition effectively ,this paper proposes a fuzzy comprehensive quantitative method and its algorithm .This method is the combination of time series prediction and principal component analysis . First ,a time series prediction model is applied to predicting the average speed and traffic volume .These predicted speeds and volumes are used as model parameters to describe the traffic congestion condition .Then ,the principal component a-nalysis is used to determine the contribution weight of each roadway section to the congestion of the network .Finally ,the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation quantitative method is used to evaluate the congestion state of regional road network .To verify the proposed method ,the method was used to analyze the roadway network of Linfen City in Shanxi Province by u -sing Vissim and SPSS .Simulation results show that the algorithm can effectively predict the traffic conditions in urban ar -eas and provide an accurate basis for traffic management and travel route guidance .
Risk Analysis for Large Bridge Operation under Disaster Weather
LI Hongwei, LU Jian, LIU Yuanlin
2014, (1): 53-57. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.012
Abstract(182) PDF(3)
In order to quantify the large bridge operational risk under disaster weather ,a risk analysis model is put forward .It can be concluded from sample survey that :(1) disaster weathers include :ice ,fog ,snow ,hail ,rainstorm , and wind ;(2) traffic congestion is considered as the index of risk evaluation ;(3) the influence factors of large bridge op-eration risk include :the type of disaster weathers ,level ,duration ,space continuity ,and holiday ,time period ,rate of ve-hicle models ,etc .Based on that ,Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy-AHP) is established by survey data .This ap-proach can obtain the consequence and probability of risk under the condition of missing objective data ,and provide the decision support for emergency .Finally ,the model validity is tested by the operation situations of Su-Tong Changjiang Highway Bridge .
Development of an Evaluation System of the Reliability of Travel Time of Freeways and the Thresholds of Corresponding Indicators
SUN Xiaofei, CHEN Xumei, LIU Wenfeng, WANG Ying, WANG Lin
2014, (1): 58-63. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.013
Abstract(218) PDF(1)
The reliability of travel time is an important indicator for evaluating the efficiency as well as the level of service of freeways .After the previous studies are reviewed ,an evaluation system of the reliability of travel time of free-way is developed to provide more accurate travel time information for managers and users of freeways .Questionnaires to sample users of freeways are collected to determine the thresholds of corresponding indicators .Finally ,a new method for determining the thresholds of the evaluation indicators is developed based on the Florida Algorithms .
Intermodal Path Optimization Based on Mixed Algorithm
WANG Yijing, JIA Junfang
2014, (1): 64-67,83. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.014
Abstract(181) PDF(0)
In order to find the best combination of transport modes in an intermodal network ,a genetic algorithm is presented and the key connection joints in a city are coded into integer numbers instead of the traditional binary digits . This can reduce the length of the code and simplify the coding work .The collocation of transport modes at the connection joints and the transfer of transport modes can be studied by dynamic programming .The intermodal network data are stored by array of structure and linked storage structure based on the multi-graph structure .This method is found to be feasible in simulation ,capable of finding the optimum solutions in a very short time and with a small number of iterations .
Framework Design of Integrated Data Center in Freeway Operation and Management Information System
WANG Haomiao, ZHANG Jian, HE Shanglu, YANG Binbin
2014, (1): 68-73,90. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.015
Abstract(216) PDF(1)
The information technology development brings both opportunity and challenge for freeway operation and management .In order to adapt to information trend ,to integrate and optimize the allocation of information resources to promote information construction ,and to improve the service level of freeway management business ,this paper establi-shes a framework architecture of integrated data center for freeway information system on the basis of analyzing freeway information status and demands and combined with cloud computing ,data warehousing ,data mining and fusion technolo-gies and concepts .The paper sorts out data flow of operation and management business in data center ,designs the func-tions for platform and its subsystems of data center ,and brings up corresponding standard criterion and security manage-ment mechanism .
Algorithm of Searching the Corresponding Route Stake Number of Point outside the Route
PAN Binghong, WANG Xiaodong, SUN Yuanqi
2014, (1): 74-78. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.016
Abstract(192) PDF(1)
Solving the corresponding route stake number of the point outside the route is a common problem ,and is also the basis for the interchange nose point designing program .The quality of the algorithm has immediate impacts on the overall program's efficiency .Based on route stake coordinate calculation and point to the tangent line at any point of the pedal algorithm ,this paper puts forward a new algorithm ,which can be applied to all kinds of complex horizontal a-lignment and neglects the initial stake .The algorithm can one-off search multiple corresponding route stake numbers , which provides an important basis for the interchange program design .
Analysis of Pavement Cracks on High Road Embankment in Western Guangdong and Remedial Measures
MEI Yu, WU Binhua, ZHANG Junzhou, GU Long, ZHANG Xin, CHEN Qiang
2014, (1): 79-83. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.017
Abstract(216) PDF(2)
The paper proposed two different methods to identify the post construction cracks under complex geolog -ical conditions in western Guangdong .These two methods were developed according to geological survey and field monito -ring as well as the different settlement mechanism (the self tightness settlement of filled soils and the consolidation settle-ment of foundation soil) .Crack grouting methods were proposed to repair the different types of cracks .The paper also analyzed the feasibility of the two settlement methods and compared the advantages and disadvantages of the two settle-ment methods .The remedial measures for different types of cracks were introduced in this paper .Finally ,a before-after study was conducted using site monitoring data .The results show that it is reliable and efficient to utilize the two remedial measures to repair different types of the cracks .
A Haze Removal Algorithm of Single Inland Image
LIU Qing, XIONG Yanfan, HUANG Mingjing, GUO Jianming
2014, (1): 84-90. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.018
Abstract(225) PDF(2)
Obtaining scene depth and the sky brightness value is the core issue for fog image restoration method . However ,the present haze removal algorithms are all based on certain assumptions to obtain these two parameters and are not effective enough for processing drab and large sky area inland images .By studying the inland waterway video image , this paper combines the histogram multimodal averaging and bit plane decomposition method to get the sky brightness val -ue to split the sky area .Then ,by using the separate area scene depth calculation method ,the image scene depth of any point is obtained .Finally ,according to the atmospheric scattering model ,the haze removal of single inland image is com-pleted .In order to evaluate the proposed methods ,the paper compares the haze removal effectiveness from three aspects including the visible image edge number ratio ,average gradient ratio and image entropy value .Experiments show that the proposed algorithm is effective for the fog inland image .
Berth Allocation Planning in Container Terminals for the Outbound Containers Arrival in Random Order
CHEN Chao, QIU Jianmei, TAI Weili, ZENG Qingcheng
2014, (1): 91-96. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.019
Abstract(199) PDF(1)
This paper proposed a berth allocation optimization model for random arrival outbound container in con -tainer terminals .The optimization model considers the interaction between the layout of allocated containers and trailer traveling routes .The objective function of optimization model minimizes the total travel distance of the trailers with ship berth as decision variable .Based on optimization model ,a modified genetic algorithm with heuristic search is developed . Finally ,the proposed model and algorithm was simulated and tested through a case study .According to the Comparative analysis of the results of the optimization model and the traditional berth allocation "first come ,first served" method ,the total trailer traveling distance is shortened by 11 .51% when using the optimization model .The results show that reasona-ble berth allocation and container location assignment can be obtained by using the model and algorithm .Implementing this model will have dramatic impact on container terminal performance and operating costs .The results also prove that the model and algorithm are feasible and effective .
A Data Sharing Method for the Serial Ports of Maritime Electronics
TANG Lei, ZHAO Jiangbin, MA Dongzhi
2014, (1): 97-99. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.020
Abstract(218) PDF(1)
Many maritime electronic devices output data through their serial interfaces and usually more than one on-board PC software programs need such data .However ,the unique access characteristic of each device prevents directing share access from a single serial interface .This paper presents a software solution to this type of problem .The solution is to use pairs of virtual serial ports and an in-house software to forward the data from a physical serial to multiple virtual se -rial ports .With the proposed method ,all application software can access serial data and avoid changing the existing soft -ware ,which will facilitate the integration of computer systems on-board and enhance the operation of the ships .
Development of the Standard Process for the Monitoring Platform of Waterborne Hazardous and Chemical Materials
SHAO Wenyuan, SHI Jing, DAI Jianfeng, HE Huiliang
2014, (1): 100-106. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.021
Abstract(186) PDF(1)
With the rapid increase of the waterborne hazardous and chemical materials ,the corresponding safety has drawn great attention of relevant regulatory authority .It is also well recognized that enhancing the monitoring capability by establishing a nationwide unified monitoring platform for waterborne hazardous and chemical materials is very impor -tant .Due to the fact that such a platform involves exchanging the data from the national ,provincial and local levels and they have different information infrastructure and data exchange features ,a single data exchange standard cannot be used . Therefore ,a data exchange standard system suitable for the national monitoring platform of waterborne hazardous and chemical materials is presented ,based on the data exchange standard of RosettaNet and ebXML .
Design and Application of Water Traffic Safety Monitoring System
LI Wei, WANG Heng
2014, (1): 107-109. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.022
Abstract(222) PDF(1)
On the basis of maritime safety regulatory applications ,and with the combination of GIS and mobile com-munications technology ,this paper proposes that the water traffic safety supervision system should be established .Thus , a multi-user-oriented ,multi-application-oriented dynamic monitoring and warning water safety integrated service platform can be implemented .
A Decision-making and Emergency Command System of Port Emergency Defense Based on GIS
2014, (1): 110-116. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.023
Abstract(188) PDF(1)
Emergency prevention is the most important to ports in China .Combining GIS and port management , this paper designs a port decision making and emergency command system .The system consists of several application modules ,such as dangerous source daily management ,rescue resource management ,emergency command management , emergency decision analysis and virtual simulation of emergency drills .The application of the system in Nanjing Port shows that the system can integrate all rescue resources effectively ,and improve the ability of emergency handling .
Bottleneck Identification for the Gathering and Distributing Capacity of Urban Rail Transit Station
SHAN Zheng, SONG Rui, LI Tingting, CHEN Liyang
2014, (1): 117-121. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.024
Abstract(215) PDF(1)
The bottleneck for the gathering and distributing capacity of urban rail transit station leads to serious passenger traffic congestion and reduces the distribution performance of stations ,which affects the efficiency and safety of passenger travel .Based on the full analysis of the connotation and cause of the gathering and distributing capacity bottle-neck of urban rail transit station ,the bottleneck identification method based on the congestion level is put forward .First-ly ,the cumulative Logistic regression based on a congestion level measurement model is built .Then ,the model is calibra-ted and validated with the survey data .Finally ,by taking Beijing Dongzhimen Rail Transit Station as the study site ,the validity of the model is verified by using Anylogic dynamic simulation .Results show that the model can accurately reflect the bottleneck of the gathering and distributing capacity of urban rail transit station in real time .
Using Spectral Clustering for Urban Rail Station Classification
YU Lijie, LI Yan, CHEN Kuanmin
2014, (1): 122-125,129. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.025
Abstract(238) PDF(5)
For the purpose of identifying the function and positioning of the urban rail stations and providing further guidance for design and construction ,a classification method using spectral clustering is established .On the basis of defi-ning the impact factors of urban rail station properties ,the data from Xi'an Metro Line 2 for the present and planned char-acteristics years are utilized to evaluate the effects of station classification .The K-means cluster algorithm and spectral cluster methods are employed ,including the unnormalized spectral clustering algorithm ,SM algorithm and NJW algo-rithm .The test results indicate that the NJW algorithm within the spectral clustering algorithm can properly classify the station according to the station properties under the influence of the urban rail network development and changes inland use and station properties .
Relationship Between Price and Share Rate of Light Railway:A Case Study of Luogang Light Railway
LUO Song, LI Juan
2014, (1): 126-129. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.01.026
Abstract(198) PDF(1)
This paper uses multinomial Logit model theory of utility maximization to study the attractions of light rail to passengers under different pricing strategies .Based on the large-scale resident trip survey in Luogang District ,pa-rameters in the model are calibrated .Furthermore ,the occupation rates of four trip modes including car ,electric bicycle , normal public traffic and light rail are analyzed and compared .Finally ,the share rates of various traffic modes under dif-ferent ticket pricing policies are confirmed .