2014 No. 3

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2014, (3)
Abstract(249) PDF(1)
A Study of the Impact of Congestion Pricing on Mode Choice of Automobile Users with Elastic Demand
REN Gang, HAN Linning, JIANG Hang, HUA Jingyi
2014, (3): 1-5,21. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.001
Abstract(261) PDF(1)
Automobile users with elastic demand may be most affected by congestion pricing in all traveler groups ."Relative congestion fee"is introduced as a policy variable to represent the influence of congestion pricing on the mode choice .A mode choice model with a nested structure is developed for considering the influence of congestion pricing to dif-ferent traveler groups .An RP survey and an SP survey to the automobile users with elastic demand from Nanjing's Xin-jiekou Commercial District are implemented and the model parameters are estimated using such data .The results show that the females ,low-income group ,IC card holders ,and travelers traveling with short-distance and high-frequency are more likely to switch from automobile to public transit when faced with the congestion pricing policy .Finally ,the elastic-ity to travel time and the charges of congestion pricing are analyzed for travelers under different congestion levels .It is found out that (1)the elasticity to travel time reveals the overall service level of the trip mode ;(2) the critical value of travelers'"significant"sensitivity to congestion fee is 13 .25 .
Bus Accessibility Analysis Based on Monte Carlo Simulation
HU Jihua, HUANG Ze, CHENG Zhifeng, DENG Jun
2014, (3): 6-11,41. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.002
Abstract(450) PDF(13)
Bus accessibility evaluates the difficulty of travel over the transit system .However ,the simulation on the influencing factors to bus accessibility has never been adequately studied by far .A simulation method of bus accessibility based on Monte Carlo is proposed ,where two influencing factors ,road congestion and departure interval ,are analyzed . First ,the accessibility measurement using isochrones is set forth .Second ,the travel process is divided into four parts :waiting for buses ,travel on road ,arriving at the stops and transfer .Time models of each sub-process are built ;therefore the Monte Carlo simulation model is constructed .Finally ,an ideal network on a checkerboard pattern road network is constructed and its simulation is performed under different road congestion conditions and departure intervals .The simu-lation results show greater increase in accessibility under weak force .
Analysis of the Choice Behavior of Commuting Departure Time under the Dynamic Transit Information
GUO Shiyong, LI Wenquan, CHEN Qian, ZUO Yigang
2014, (3): 12-17. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.003
Abstract(255) PDF(1)
The traditional utility function form cannot be used to study the influence of individual attributes on the perceived utility of transit information .In order to overcome this issue ,a modified utility function form is developed to study the impact of dynamic transit information onto the choice behavior of commuting departure time .According to the results of the preliminary model ,independent variables whose t-test are significant are kept and used to develop two modi-fied models ,with one using traditional and the other using modified utility function form respectively .The comparison be-tween the two models shows that the one with the modified utility function form has a better model performance than the one with the traditional utility function form .The study results also indicate that the gender and income attributes ,whose t values are 2 .02 and-2 .25 ,have a significant impact on the perceived utility of riding time .In addition ,the education level has ,which has at value of 2.03,a significant impact on the perceived utility of crowding level .It is also found out that ,when the riding time takes its mean and the crowding level is 0.7 ,their utility ratio is 1.54∶1 .The ratio reveals that the riding time is the most important factor to influence the departure time choice of transit commuters .
Characteristics Research for Driver's Heart Rate in Congestion State of Urban Road
QI Weiwei, PEI Yulong
2014, (3): 18-21. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.004
Abstract(329) PDF(9)
Transportation infrastructure scale is constrained by many factors ,due to the limited space of the cities . Traffic congestion will affect people's daily life in a long time with the rapid increase of vehicle population .The mean heart rate is selected as an indicator to quantify the impact of traffic congestion on the driver's physiological and psychological status .Moreover ,the impact of traffic congestion level on the driver's heart rate characteristics is studied based on a large number of measured data .In addition ,the relational model between mean heart rate and pressure coefficient is estab-lished .Research shows that the effect of traffic congestion on heart rate characteristics is significant ,and that the deter-mination coefficient of the goodness-of-fit of the three regression models can be above 0 .6 with the best regression result of the quadratic polynomial .The results can provide a theoretical support for the efficiency and safety evaluation of traffic congestion .
Calculation Model of Congestion Threshold Based on Cumulative Prospect Theory
FENG Chuan, JI Xiaofeng, LIU Min
2014, (3): 22-26. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.005
Abstract(349) PDF(1)
Releasing travel information to guide travelers'travel choice is an effective way to relieve traffic conges-tion .In order to describe the influence mechanism between road congestion extent and travelers'route choice decisions , the cumulative prospect theory is used to model travelers'decision-making process ,and the travelers'different congestion cognitive model s and congestion information demand are analyzed .The concept of road network congestion threshold is analyzed ,and the calculation model of road network congestion threshold is constructed based on Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) with travel time as decision index .In the numerical example part ,travelers congestion cognition and travel decisions are modeled with a simple road network .The result of numerical example reveals congestion threshold's influ-ence on route choice decisions ,and verifies that the congestion threshold is the cut-off point of decision change in travelers'decision-making process .Travelers will not change route when travel time is within congestion threshold ;when travel time exceeds the congestion threshold ,traveler will choose another route to travel .
Development of A Travel Time Prediction Model for Urban Road Network using Multi-source Data
JIANG Zhou, ZHANG Cunbao, XU Zhida, YAN Fengxiang, DING Guofei
2014, (3): 27-31. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.006
Abstract(270) PDF(1)
In view of the deficiencies of traditional travel time prediction models developed based on Kalman filtering technique and single data source ,the multi-source data are used to improve such models and the prediction accuracy of travel time .Floating cars and loop detectors are common ways for collecting travel time ,and the two are complementary to each other in many ways .Therefore ,the real-time traffic data from the two sources are used as the inputs of the pre-diction model .Through Kalman filtering ,flow ,occupancy and travel time are used as inputs of the proposed travel time prediction model .Finally ,the model is verified through a simulation from Vissim .The simulation results show that the average absolute relative error of the estimated travel time based on the model developed based on the multi-source data is 5 .45% ,which is 14 .4% lower than those estimated based on the loop detector data only and 7 .5% lower than those esti-mated based on the floating car data alone .
Black Position Identification of Urban Road Traffic Accident
JIANG Yan, LIU Lihua
2014, (3): 32-35,52. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.007
Abstract(271) PDF(1)
This paper proposes a new method of black position identification of urban road traffic accident by using spatial clustering analysis model based on point and plane models .The proposed method is based on the kernel density es-timation ,count data model ,and GIS technology .The proposed method can mine the spatial data and visualize the analysis results .Results from the crash data show that there are two spatial clusters of high values .The first one has the unit standardization Z value above 2 .58 ,which corresponds to the first level of accident black points .The second has the unit standardization Z value between 1 .96 and 2 .58 ,corresponding to the second level of accident black points .
Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Regular Transit System in Small and Medium-sized Cities
YANG Xingdi, MENG Xianghai
2014, (3): 36-41. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.008
Abstract(230) PDF(1)
In this paper ,an analytic hierarchy process and a fuzzy evaluation method are combined and used to eval-uate urban transit systems of small and medium-sized cities .Firstly a hierarchy-based comprehensive evaluation system is developed ,and then an AHP method is used to determine the relative weight of each indicator .In this process ,SPSS software is used to carry out a cluster analysis of experts'weights ,where those weights which are far away from the resul-ting clusters are removed ,which appears to make the evaluation weights from the experts more reasonable .Furthermore , using a sample of 12 small or medium-sized cities ,the sampling distribution of the indicators of the transit systems of the small or medium-sized cities is developed and the membership function of each indicator is established through the Matlab Fuzzy Toolbox .Finally ,a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of transit systems of small and medium-sized cities is proposed ,which is also verified through the transit system of Fuxin City .The model can provide not only a ranking score ,but also the degree of the proximity of the transit system being evaluated to various levels .
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the Bus Service Level Based on AHP
GUO Xiuzhen, WENG Xiaoxiong
2014, (3): 42-46. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.009
Abstract(311) PDF(2)
In order to objectively evaluate bus service level and improve bus service quality ,the second-level evalua-tion index system was established by the viewpoints of system based on the analysis of the features between evaluation ob-ject (bus service level) and service object (passenger) .A comprehensive evaluation model was set up with the combina-tion of AHP and the improved fuzzy algorithm to evaluate each layer of evaluation index and the general bus service level . The software yaahpV0 .5 .3 was applied to implementing the AHP method to calculate the weight of evaluation index .Fi-nally combining with the bus passenger questionnaires of Guangzhou ,the comprehensive evaluation model was applied to evaluating the bus service level through the empirical analysis .It shows that this model can be applied to the evaluation of bus service level and efficiently avoid the subjective randomness in the process of evaluation with more reasonable evalua-tion result obtained .
Analysis of Key Factors Influencing BRT Operating Characteristics
CAI Zhili, WEI Lingxiang, LIU Guangxiang, Zhang Ning
2014, (3): 47-52. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.010
Abstract(208) PDF(1)
Jinan BRT-3 lines which contain different forms of lanes are selected so as to study the operating charac-teristics and the inner relation between constraints and potential factors of bus rapid transit system .The comprehensive approach in this paper can fully describe the working characteristic of the BRT vehicle ,including average speed ,average running speed ,average delay and average operating speed ,as well as 5 basic parameters in intersection delay and 8 high-light operation characteristics as the evaluation index .The operation data in real-time are collected between different sec-tions and stations ,and the key factors affecting BRT are analyzed by using mathematical statistics method and factor anal-ysis of multivariate statistics .The research aims to demonstrate the relationship between operating characteristics and the impact factors ,and to explore methods to improve BRT characteristics .Comprehensive analyses show that the key factors affecting BRT are the intersection impact factor ,the platform dock impact factor ,and the car road comprehensive impact factor .The quantitative analysis has also led to many constructive suggestions .
Model of the Optimal Cycle Time in Signal Intersection
WANG Chune, ZHOU Lei
2014, (3): 53-56,61. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.011
Abstract(223) PDF(1)
This paper studies the determination of optimal single cycle of intersection of urban road in real time .The derivation of the shortest signal cycle and the best signal cycle were analyzed .Four models of signal cycle time were deter-mined .In order to choose the optimal signal cycle ,the paper adopted the delay ,the largest queue length ,the average number of stops and capacity for the comprehensive evaluation ,which can overcome the limitation of less evaluation pa-rameters .During the evaluation ,the dimensional ranges of different parameters were standardized ,and the weight coeffi-cients of different parameters were determined .Finally ,the optimization model was verified based on the actual data and Matlab program .The results show that a single index leads to different signal cycle time ,while the other indicators can not be ideal .The comprehensive evaluation model can directly determine the optimal signal cycle time and ensure that the four evaluation parameters are optimal .
A Probability Model of Transit OD Distribution Based on the Allure of Bus Station
ZHANG Mengmeng, GUO Yajuan, MA Yujiao
2014, (3): 57-61. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.012
Abstract(339) PDF(13)
Based on analyzing the influence of the bus trip distance and the land usage on passenger's alighting prob-ability ,the paper introduced a new factor-transfer ability of bus station ,which was represented by the number of transit routes within a radius of 300-500 meters at the center of a bus station .This factor takes into account the effects of trans-fer radiation on the surrounding area of the bus station .By considering the above three factors ,a transit passenger OD distribution probability model was constructed based on the allure of bus station .Then by taking the bus IC card data of Jinan city as a sample ,the above model was used to calculate the space distribution of transit passenger flow using C + +language programming .In addition ,the check line method was used to verify the feasibility and validity of the proposed model .The results show that the estimation error of the proposed model is within 10% ,which conforms to the precision requirements of the transit OD estimation .The model has higher estimation precision and some engineering application value .
Effect Analysis of Traffic Police Offsite Law Enforcement
WANG Shi, JIN Bin, SHI Jing
2014, (3): 62-68,77. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.013
Abstract(232) PDF(2)
The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of traffic police offsite law enforcement ,and help traffic management department improve this type of law enforcement .An Internet -based survey is conducted on 729 Chinese car drivers to study their attitudes after being penalized .Descriptive analysis ,analysis of variance and comparative analy-sis are applied to data analysis .Structural equation modeling is used to study the main influencing factors of effective law enforcement .Results suggest that the overall effect of offsite law enforcement is weak ,and there is deficiency in the pro-cedure of informing and punishment .The drivers'attitudes are significantly influenced by the duration of informing proce-dure and the type of traffic violation .The effect of offsite law enforcement is inferior to that of the field law enforcement . Analysis based on structural equation modeling indicates that the accuracy of law enforcement and the severity of penalty positively influence effectiveness .Justice of law enforcement has complex indirect influence on effectiveness ,while con-venience of fine payment negatively influences effectiveness .
A Comparative Study of the Phase Design Method of Intersection between Each Phase for an Entrance and Symmetric Phase
LIN Xiaohui
2014, (3): 69-72. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.014
Abstract(264) PDF(6)
Intersection is the most typical type of crossing roads in the city ,whose design method of phase will in-fluence service level of the intersection directly .This paper takes Humen-Liansheng intersection as an example ,compares the characteristics of each phase for an entrance and symmetric phase ,and analyzes the traffic signal control performances of these two kinds of phase methods through the Vissim traffic simulation model under the peak traffic demand ,flat peak traffic demand and low peak traffic demand ,such as the average of delay ,the average of queue length ,and the average of stops .The simulation results show that the each phase for an entrance is suitable for the intersection whose flows are im-balance;on the contrary ,the symmetric phase is suitable for the intersection whose flows are balance .
Expressway Traffic Volume Forecast by Modeling in Metropolitan Stretches
LIU Heng, QIU Jiandong, FANG Jie, LUO Jianke
2014, (3): 73-77. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.015
Abstract(181) PDF(1)
Traffic volume forecast is essential to plan ,design ,invest ,build and manage expressways ,and provides quantitative basis for the management of expressways .By considering the different functions and characteristics between traditional expressways and expressways in metropolitan stretches ,the idea of urban transportation modeling is adopted to forecast expressway traffic volume .Moreover ,a new method ,Slip Predicting and Dynamical Verification ,is put for-ward .By modeling elaborately in large region ,the way of dynamical verification with multiple indexes and multiple years is used based on the network-charging-data ,which leads to the high accuracy of expressways traffic volume forecast .Be-sides ,a friendly user interface of transport model system is designed ,which can improve the model system's practicality .
Strategies of Drawing up and Implementing in Urban Traffic Safety Management Planning
GONG Jianguo, DAI Shuai, LIU Jinguang, ZHU Jianan, QU Xu
2014, (3): 78-82. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.016
Abstract(227) PDF(1)
In order to improve the compilation standard and implementation effects of urban road traffic safety man-agement planning ,some problems that may arise during this process were summarized ,including the lack of standards , inconsistency of contents and implementation difficulty .The relations among traffic safety management planning ,urban planning and urban transportation planning were studied .The results indicate that the ineffectiveness of traffic safety management planning lies in the shortage of technical regulations ,organization and coordination ,as well as implementing guarantee ,while the objectives ,concepts ,policies ,measures and techniques had broken the scope of traditional urban planning and urban transportation planning .Five types of strategies that help integrate the related planning were pro-posed ,including measures about the compilation system ,concepts ,contents ,techniques and implementation mechanism . Some specific suggestions about the techniques and organization of traffic safety management planning were proposed , such as improving the implementation system ,organization system ,human resources system and dynamic adjustment sys-tem .The proposed strategies and suggestions may provide some guidance for the compilation and implementation of traffic safety management planning .
Travel Demand Analysis Method Based on OD Estimation
JI Kui, CAO Guohua
2014, (3): 83-86,93. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.017
Abstract(248) PDF(5)
This paper addresses the traffic demand analysis problem for the project which has wide incidence and complex road system .A new traffic demand analysis method is proposed by using OD estimation with TransCAD plat-form .By using the background traffic flow as the link flow and setting up virtual partitions ,OD estimation can be carried out .According to the relationship between OD matrix and PA matrix ,the passenger flow of virtual partitions can be ob-tained .Then ,the forecast of virtual partitions and the area can be done by four-stage transport demand forecasting .Fi-nally ,the proposed method is demonstrated by using a traffic demand analysis for the adjustment of the regulatory de-tailed planning of a city as an example ,which proves that the proposed method is reasonable and effective .
Review of Road Transportation System Resilience Research
YANG Jinshun, SUN Hongyun, LI Linbo, WU Bing
2014, (3): 87-93. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.018
Abstract(263) PDF(5)
The resilience research has aroused general interest in the field of disaster risk ,but the transportation re-silience needs to be further studied .To respond to the impact of disasters and other unexpected events on the road trans-portation system ,and to promote the resilience study in China ,this study summarizes the related research results of the resilience fields at home and abroad .Firstly the concept of resilience and the concept of transportation system resilience are discussed .This paper studies further the connotation and denotation of transportation resilience ,advances the defini-tion of transportation resilience ,and makes a distinction between the related concepts .At the same time ,the quantitative evaluation system of the resilience ,quantitative approaches for measuring resilience and associated calculation indicators are reviewed .Later ,the elements of the resilient transportation system are analyzed .Finally ,there are some future in-vestigations including a standardized and uniformly agreed-on definition ,quantitative approaches for measuring resilience , multidisciplinary research ,and the practical application of resilience .
An Evaluation Method of the Capacity of Emergency Response of Freeway System
DUAN Zongtao, ZHENG Xibin, LI Ying, LI Xiang, KANG Jun, YAN Yiqun
2014, (3): 94-98,104. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.019
Abstract(210) PDF(4)
Emergency response is one of the key factors to affect traffic safety and service level of freeway systems . An evaluation method of the capacity of emergency response provides a scientific basis for building such capacity .This pa-per develops an evaluation system consisting of 21 evaluation indicators .Ten experts are invited to develop a judgment matrix which ranks the importance of these indicators through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) .Then ,a consistency test is carried out for the judgment matrix and the weight of each evaluation indicator is calculated and determined .The computational model for ranking the capacity of freeway emergency response is then developed by using a fuzzy evaluation method .The membership and ranking score are then calculated through the model .A section of highway freeway in China is tested as an example .Study results show the validity of the evaluation indicators and their weight .It is found that the indicator set and corresponding weights used can reflect the actual capacity of freeway emergency response and it is easy to use as w ell .
Investigation of Emergency Vehicle Delay and Response Measures
DONG Luxi, WANG Zhijian, MA Chaofeng
2014, (3): 99-104. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.020
Abstract(221) PDF(1)
In recent years ,delays to emergency vehicles caused by congestion have led to frequent tragedies .In or-der to understand the reason of emergency vehicle rescue delays and to study the countermeasures ,this paper took ques-tionnaires on ordinary vehicle drivers about their understanding of the emergency vehicles ,the emergency lane occupancy , and the need to yield to the emergency vehicles .Next ,the paper screened out characteristic variables which affect the driving behavior greatly by using software SPSS ,and established the characteristics model of drivers and their behavior model in emergency lane occupancy and emergency vehicle avoidance based on Logistic regression .Then ,the appropriate response plans based on the results were proposed and the effect of the solution was simulated by simulation software Vis-sim .The results show that the driving behaviors of certain people have greater impact on emergency vehicle delays ,and that the correct avoidance method can significantly reduce travel time .
Urban and Rural Bus Line Diagnosis Based on Hierarchical Clustering Analysis---A Case Study of Anning City
GU Jinjing, ZHANG Jin, Zou Yi, LIU Yongchao
2014, (3): 105-109. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.021
Abstract(231) PDF(1)
Based on the characteristics of urban and rural bus services ,a diagnostic indicator system of urban and rural bus lines is built from the perspective of both bus passengers and companies .This paper extracts the principal com-ponents which show the urban and rural bus lines'physical ,operating and passenger flow characteristics .Then based on the results of hierarchical cluster analysis of urban and rural bus lines ,this paper establishes discriminant functions for different types of lines and builds discriminant function to diagnose urban and rural bus lines quantitatively .The field data are collected in Anning City and the 15 bus lines are divided into four categories of diagnostic types of urban and rural bus lines .The optimization scheme combined with the actual situation is put forward ,and the rationality of index system and the availability of the diagnosis method are validated .In conclusion ,this paper proposes a more accurate and effective di-agnostic method which combines qualitative and quantitative analysis .It provides a decision basis for optimizing adjust-ment of urban and rural bus lines .
Vessel Traffic Accident Forecasting Using a Combination Gray Neural Network Model
LI Lingling, QIU Lei
2014, (3): 110-113,118. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.022
Abstract(224) PDF(5)
The prediction of maritime accidents is an important part of maritime safety as it helps estimate future maritime accidents for management decision making .First ,a gray model was used to simulate accidents in water trans-portation .Then ,the original data were compared with the results to calculate the residuals .Finally ,the BP neural net-work model for the residual correction was applied in oeder to get the final prediction results .It was predicted that the number of water transportation accidents in 2012 and 2013 was 270 and 281 ,respectively .
Implementation of Inland Marine Oil Water Separator Remote Supervisor System with AIS
CHEN Zhenyi, LIU Chenguang, SHI Lei, HE Wei, CHU Xiumin
2014, (3): 114-118. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.023
Abstract(182) PDF(1)
In order to solve the problem of vessel illegal oil wastewater discharge in inland river ,after the current situation of vessel illegal oil wastewater discharge in inland river is analyzed ,an inland marine oil-water separator remote supervisor system based on AIS is proposed in this paper .This system uses ARM 32-bit Cortex-M3 microprocessor as processing unit .It is designed to collect marine oil-water running status information .The processing unit can analyze and handle the running status information ,and fulfill the further display .This system broadcasts the collected running status information to the local maritime department in real time through AIS broadcasting messages channel .The running status information is saved in the SD card through the SDIO interface of signal chip microprocessor .In the remote supervisor end ,the program using the VS2010 platform is designed to decode and display AIS broadcast messages .In this way ,the remote supervisor of vessel terminal is realized .The system can monitor and record the vessel illegal oil wastewater dis-charge in real time .It can enhance the maritime department supervision and monitoring capability in a certain extent ,and improve Chinese inland river vessel oil wastewater discharge status .
Fire Risk Analysis of Lithium-ion Batteries in Air Transportation Based on Fault Tree Method and Tri-fuzzy Theory
DU Jun, WANG Ruihong
2014, (3): 119-122,127. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.024
Abstract(326) PDF(4)
This study analyzes the fire accidents caused by Lithium-ion battery in air transportation from March 21 , 1991 to July 23 ,2013 and draws the fault tree .The fault tree analysis software is used for qualitative analysis .Then combined with tri-fuzzy numerals and expert scoring method ,the quantitative analysis is conducted to analyze the fault tree .This method solves the problem that the fault tree analysis method cannot determine the accurate probability of event occurrence in that it obtains the probability of basic events and the top event .The corresponding measures are put forward to reduce such fire accidents .
A Lane Detection Method Based on the Double Straight-line Model
SHEN Wenchao, XU Jianmin, WANG Yanli, YOU Feng
2014, (3): 123-127. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.025
Abstract(188) PDF(2)
Aiming at improving the accuracy of traditional way of using monocular vision to identify the running lane ,a new method of lane detection based on the double straight line model is proposed .According to the characteristics of highways ,the method firstly builds a double straight line model ,and extracts straight lines by Hough Transformation , then detect the vanishing point of parallel lines by an improved Hough Transformation ,and finally extracts current traffic lanes through vanishing point and prior information from an image .An experiment is conducted based on 150 road images from different road sections ,with different illumination levels and different vehicle interferences .It is found out from the study results that the extraction accuracy is 88 .6% and the average detection time is 0 .24 seconds .Experimental results show that the proposed method can detect highway lanes with a good accuracy and it is also good at adapting to different illumination levels ,reducing the impact of vehicle disturbance and processing data in real-time .
Vehicle Retrograde Detection Method on Single Lane Based on Video
XU Hongke, QIN Yanyan
2014, (3): 128-131,139. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.026
Abstract(285) PDF(3)
This paper proposed a vehicle retrograde detection method on urban single lane based on video .First , background subtraction was used for moving vehicle detection .Second ,Harris corner features were combined to comple-ment the color features of Mean-shift to improve tracking accuracy ,from which motion trajectory of a vehicle can be com-puted .Finally ,the computed motion trajectory was analyzed for vehicle retrograde determination .Comparative experi-ments were conducted to evaluate retrograde detection accuracy and computational complexity .Experiment results show that the proposed detection method works well for vehicle retrograde detection .The average recognition rate is about 87 . 55% ,which is similar to that of the comparative method .However ,the proposed method has 19 .56 ms less computation time than the compared method ,therefore ,with fast processing speed .
Robust Traffic Sign Detection in Protean Illumination Scenario
FANG Shengchao, XIN Le, CHEN Yangzhou
2014, (3): 132-139. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.027
Abstract(172) PDF(1)
Aiming at the problem that the accuracy rate of traffic sign detection will become significantly lower in protean illumination scenario ,a novel robust method of traffic sign detection is proposed based on the color probability map which is built from multiple color-histogram back-projection and the extraction of MSER (Maximally Stable Extremal Region) in color probability map .The algorithm consists of three steps :1) Sample images of traffic signs are classified into a series of different subsets with different illumination states for each color of interest (red ,blue or yellow ) and the color probability map is built from the multiple color-histogram built from each subset of sample images ;2) Candidate re-gions of traffic sign are found by using the extraction of MSER in color probability map ;3) Non-traffic-sign regions are e-liminated efficiently according to the features (region perimeter ,area ,etc .) of the detected MSER .Experimental results show that under the conditions of low light and strong light the accuracy rate of traffic sign detection algorithm based on normalized RGB drops to 84 .4% and 83 .0% respectively ,while the accuracy rate of traffic sign detection algorithm based on red/blue image drops to 87 .4% and 86 .3% respectively .The proposed method can still remain more than 90% of the detection accuracy in protean illumination scenario ,and is of higher robustness in protean illumination environment .
Parking Space Detection Technology Based on the Giant Magnetoresistance
MA Ronggui, HOU Bin
2014, (3): 140-144. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2014.03.028
Abstract(195) PDF(1)
In the outdoor parking lot ,parking space detector can be easily interfered by various external factors ,re-sulting in unnecessary errors in parking space detection and incorrect parking management decisions as well as user delay . According to the actual outdoor parking space detection needs and the related detection technology requirement ,this paper presents an approach based on the giant magnetoresistance detection technology ,which achieves vehicle detection by de-tecting the magnetic field change in giant magnetoresistance before and after a vehicle has left .The design is based on gi-ant magnetoresistance detection hardware and software systems ,which provide data for information display and giant magnetoresistance sensitivity adjustment .The test results show that ,compared with other detection techniques ,this parking space detection technology provides higher precision with consistency .
2014, (3): 145-145.
Abstract(185) PDF(1)
2014, (3): 146-146.
Abstract(146) PDF(1)