2017 No. 1

State-of-the-art in Green and Multimodal Transportation and Logistics:A Review and Highlights of the 16 th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals
2017, 35(1): 1-9. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.001
Abstract(269) PDF(4)
The rapid development of transportation not only brings convenience to people′s lives,but also brings se-vere challenges to ecological environment.The sustainable development of transportation logistics,full utilization of trans-portation resources and improvement of transportation effectiveness,etc.,are needed to form the transportation and lo-gistics system of environmental symbiotic type.Implementing green transportation,expanding intermodal transportation, and building up information network are efficient approaches to achieve this obj ective.Under this condition,the 16 th CO-TA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2016)was held by scholars both at home and a-broad.This study provides an overview of this forum and then statistically analyzes the contributions of the papers and presentations within different areas,which includes non-motorized transportation,traffic safety and emergency response, traffic and environment,water and port transportation,railway transportation,etc.Conclusions and summaries,as well as the cutting-edge research topics,are presented based on the current research topics in transportation industry.
Trends of Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Based on an Overview of the 13 th PSAM International Conference
LIANG Zheng, ZHANG Di, ZHANG Jinfen, FAN Shiqi
2017, 35(1): 10-18,54. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.002
Abstract(396) PDF(3)
Since the overturn accident of"Eastern Star"and the explosion in Tianjin Port,traffic safety has become one of the hottest themes.This paper introduces general information of the 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 13).Keynote presentations and technical papers are categorized according to their subjects.Hot topics in the field of system safety including probabilistic safety assessment theory,human reliability analysis theory,industrial safety theory,transportation safety theory,as well as uncertainties are summarized.Discus-sions are also made on how to use PSA theory to improve safety of transportation along with the implementation of China′s "the Belt and Road Initiative".Future trends on probabilistic safety assessment of transport system from the PSAM 13 have been illustrated.Furthermore,a framework of safety assessment on transport system based on probabilistic safety assess-ment theory is developed in order to prevent traffic accidents and improve traffic safety.
A Review of Studies on Spatial-temporal Characteristics of Vehicle Positions for Commercial Operating Based on GNSS Systems
WANG Shufang
2017, 35(1): 19-25. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.003
Abstract(347) PDF(5)
Analyses on spatial-temporal characteristics of commercial vehicle position,identifying operating range, time,speed,and other key parameters of vehicles are significant to spatial-temporal distribution of vehicle locations. Based on characteristics of GNSS systems and related positioning technology,this study compares and analyzes spatial-temporal data of positions and its characteristics from the aspects of computing,geography and transportation.A case study on data of typical operating vehicles:the travel distribution based on taxi traj ectories,and network monitoring of typical vehicles operating on expressways and transporting dangerous goods is used in this study to review theories,meth-ods and key methods on spatial-temporal characteristics of commercial vehicle positions based on GNSS systems.
A Study on Rules of Fatigue Accumulation and a Model of Operating Long-distance Coach Drivers
PEI Yulong, LIU Yinghui, ZHAI Botao
2017, 35(1): 26-34. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.004
Abstract(304) PDF(5)
Analyses of accumulated fatigue level for long-distance coach drivers are considered as one effective way for traffic safety.Field experiments are conduct among drivers from Helen City,Heilongjiang.The driving video and measurements on perception j udgment ability,self-evaluation of fatigue level and other indicators are collected.The PER-CLOS-P80 is extracted from videos using analysis and processing software,which then used as the benchmark of fatigue level.Rules of fatigue accumulation for long-distance coach drivers are analyzed from two aspects:original fatigue and driving fatigue.The results show that original fatigue is of negatively correlation with sleeping hours in the day before driving and is of positive correlation with driving duration.Meanwhile,the driving fatigue is of positively correlation with original fatigue and continuous driving duration and is of negative correlation with cumulative resting time.A regression model of fatigue accumulation based on driving and resting time of drivers is established.Regression methods are used to calibrate the model and the calibrated model is with goodness of fit of 0.929.The fatigue accumulation model proposed in this study demonstrated the threshold of continuous driving time (when F=0.3)with different original fatigue values. Suggestions and recommendation could also be provided to commercial transportation companies or drivers based on the regression model for optimizing their operation schedule to reduce the risk of fatigue driving.
A Study on the Association between Risky Driving Behavior and Built Environment Using OBD Data
ZHANG Zhiyu, LU Yingrong, MA Xiaolei, DING Chuan
2017, 35(1): 35-43. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.005
Abstract(281) PDF(9)
With applications of new generation of information technologies in the field of transportation,such as broadband mobile communication and Internet of Things,studies of driving behavior for traffic safety in the environment of Mobile Internet attract more attention.In order to complement previous studies on the spatial analysis of risky driving behavior and Connected Vehicle,risky driving behaviors are identified and extracted on basis of On-board Diagnosis (OBD)data.Spatial distribution of risky driving behavior is thus analyzed in terms of Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ).To study the mechanism of spatial discrepancy on risky driving behavior,Point of Interests (POI)data are utilized to meas-ure the built environment of cities.Variables of significant effects on risky driving behavior are identified by an ordinary least square (OLS)regression model.Moreover,the coefficients of different environmental variables on risky driving be-haviors are evaluated by a geographically weighted regression (GWR)model.The results show that the GWR model is superior to the OLS regression method,which is able to effectively present spatial-temporal characteristics of the relation-ship between built environment and risky driving behavior.Study results can be used to support decision-making related to traffic safety improvement program of traffic management and planning agencies.
The Effects of Music and Natural Sounds on Driving Performance and Safety:A Case Study Simulated Driving on Urban Roadways
2017, 35(1): 44-54. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.006
Abstract(314) PDF(7)
Due to the penetration of multimedia and smart phones,driving while listening music is common and therefore it is necessary to investigate effects of natural sounds,classical music,and hard rock music on driving perform-ance and physiology of drivers.This study utilized natural sounds as a stimulus for driving performance.Thirty six partici-pants (N = 36)completed two drives on a section of a simulated urban road in a simulator:one with natural sounds, classical music,and hard rock music;the other without sounds (control condition).Furthermore,driving performance and heart rate of participants are studied to determine physiological indicators of arousal during each of driving condition of 18 min.The results of mixed MANOVA analysis show that the auditory stimulus has a significant effect on coherence, delay response,and heart rate.Study results show that hard rock music increases heart rate during the experimental ses-sions (heart rate=86.7 BPM).Listening to hard rock music has negative effects on driving performance and physiology of drivers.More importantly,listening to natural sounds had positive effect on accuracy of car following (coherence=0.76) and response latencies to speed changes of the lead vehicle (delay response=3.9 s).In terms of attention and concentra-tion,this study indicates that listening to natural sounds magnify driving capabilities.Moreover,interactions between au-ditory stimulus and gender have significant effects on driving performance and physiology of drivers.
A Treatment Duration Prediction Model of Hazardous Chemicals Traffic Accidents on Freeways
CHEN Cheng, ZHANG Lanfang, WANG Shangtian
2017, 35(1): 55-61,70. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.007
Abstract(290) PDF(2)
To support emergency handling of hazardous chemicals transportation on freeways,using historical data, a precise treatment duration prediction model of hazardous chemicals traffic accidents is proposed.First,based on accident characteristics analysis,impact factors of duration are preliminarily selected.Next,correlation tests for each factor by Spearman rank correlation coefficient are carried out,and it finds out that the characteristics and leakage of hazardous chemicals and the number of needed barge trucks are typical impact factors,and they can be used as prediction model's in-puts.Then,the prediction model is developed on the basis of TSK fuzzy inference system and ANFIS method.According to the case study and its error analysis,the calculated values are in good agreement with the measured values.Besides, the reasonable amount of input parameters of this model ensures the model′s operability.Therefore,the model and its ap-plication can provide necessary references for emergency rescue of hazardous chemicals traffic accidents.
Transportation Information Engineering and Control
A Route Choice Model of Heterogeneous Travelers Considering Influences of Real Time Traffic Information
LU Guangquan, YU Rao, DING Chuan, WANG Yunpeng, CHEN Peng
2017, 35(1): 62-70. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.008
Abstract(359) PDF(6)
Travelers′route choice behaviors are an important factor to predict the spatial and temporal distribution of traffic flow and maintain economical and efficient operation of traffic networks.In order to explore the differences of route choice behaviors of heterogeneous travelers,a route choice model based on cumulative prospect theory is developed in this study.The differences and similarities between general travelers′and commuters′route choice behaviors under two scenarios (with and without real time traffic information)are analyzed by defining reference points and a travel risk appe-tites computing method considering coefficients of time value.This computing method assures heterogeneous travelers have different risk appetites.The results show that traveler with larger reference point is conservative and tends to choose a route with longer travel time,while the others prefer taking risks.Furthermore,when alternatives can meet travelers′requirements and their reference points are big enough,general travelers prefer to neglect risks,for higher benefits.
Identification and Ranking Approaches of Bottleneck for Gathering and Distributing Capacity in Stations of Urban Rail Transit
WANG Ruiqi, ZHANG Ying
2017, 35(1): 71-79,91. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.009
Abstract(328) PDF(2)
During the process that passengers gathering and distributing in stations of urban rail transit,bottlenecks of infrastructures can lead to congestion,which seriously affects efficiency and safety.In order to identify and classify the bottlenecks,a network for evacuation is developed based on partitioning space into cellular.Three methods are proposed to identify static bottlenecks under emergency evacuation,supported by complex network theory,network maximum flow theory,and blocking flow theory,respectively.With the software Anylogic,static bottlenecks are ranked by estimated e-vacuation time.For the identification and ranking of dynamic bottlenecks,an algorithm based on temporal and spatial con-gestion intensity is proposed.Finally,a case study of Xizhimen subway station in Beijing is carried out,which is used to test the proposed conceptual and simulated evacuation models.study results show that the bottleneck identified by bloc-king flow theory is most consistent with the observed operation among the three kind of static bottlenecks.The dynamic bottlenecks with the highest ranking importance are the inlets of stairs at the platform level.The bottlenecks generated during gathering and distributing processes mostly occurred at streamlined areas,and tend to propagate further.The reli-ability and applicability of the proposed method are also verified through the above case study.
A Offset Optimization Method of One-way Green Wave Considering Impacts of Vehicles in and out of Sub-arterial Roads and Pedestrians
GUO Changye, HAN Weishuai, LI Zhenlong
2017, 35(1): 80-85,91. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.010
Abstract(193) PDF(2)
Control effects of arterial green wave are affected by vehicles in and out of sub-arterial roads and pedestri-ans.A two-phase queuing and dissipation model is updated into a four-phase model based on the analysis results regarding the impact of left-turning vehicles from upstream sub-arterial roads on the downstream intersection.Traditional offset is then optimized based on this model,traffic delay caused by pedestrians is then computed on the basis of influences of pe-destrians on arterial traffic by using a weighted average method.This paper optimizes the traditional offset as well.Vissim software is used to verify the model.Compared with the traditional control of green wave,the results show that the im-proved control method can reduce average delay by 20.5% and average stopping time reduces by 17.6%,average parking frequency reduces by 8.7% and average travel time reduces by 3.5 s.Therefore this optimized method could improve the performance of green wave.
A Forecasting Method for Large-scale Flight Delays Based on a Logistic Model
CAO Yueqi, JIA Qi
2017, 35(1): 86-91. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.011
Abstract(270) PDF(2)
When a large-scale flight delay occurs,it should be meaningful to accurately predict their progress and come up solutions to mitigate consequence.This study predicts large-scale flight delays from the perspective of fixed air-space.A Logistic model is developed based on the number of delayed flights and their cumulative delay time.Considering the number of flights in real-time,the variation of delay time is regarded as parameters in this model.A case study based on observed data of a large-scale flight delay in North China in the afternoon of August 17th,2013 is used to fit the Logis-tic curve.Based on which,the accumulation and dissipation phases of delay are computed to determine respective parame-ters.Finally,the forecasting delays are obtained.The closer to the present time,the higher the accuracy is.Moreover, the maximum relative errors between observed and the forecasted number of delayed flights and the accumulated delay time of flights are 3.9% and 3.6%,respectively.
Transportation Planning and Management
Trajectory Planning for Automatic Vertical Parking Based on Dynamic Window and Wall Following Approach
GUO Yicui, JIANG Tao, ZHANG Gexiang
2017, 35(1): 92-97. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.012
Abstract(260) PDF(4)
Existing methods of traj ectory planning for automatic vertical parking are lack of flexibility.This is due to the fact that the existing mathematical models for traj ectory planning cannot adj ust the paths dynamically because of open-loop and off-line planning.Therefore,a method for traj ectory planning of automatic vertical parking based on dy-namic window and wall following approach is developed.The traj ectory planning problem is first decomposed into a time-free path planning process and a time-related velocity planning process.Then,a wall following strategy is introduced to a-chieve traj ectory planning without a priori traj ectory model,based on an analysis of the Ackermann steering characteris-tics of vehicles.Meanwhile,the wall-following path is used as global heuristic guidance for propelling the dynamic window for speed planning.The feedback and optimization of two processes will dynamically adj ust path planning in each step. The results of a simulation experiment shows that the introduced method can faciliate safe and effective parking,and is capable to make local adjustments dynamically,under an observed accuracy of controlling and location within 0.2 m.
An Optimization Method for Bus Berths of one Bus Bay Stop
PENG Hanhui, ZHANG Cunbao, CHANG Qiyun, HUANG Chuanming, LI Jinsong
2017, 35(1): 98-104. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.013
Abstract(305) PDF(2)
In order to reasonably evaluate the number of berths of a bus bay stop,a probability calculation method is proposed based on observed data.This method supposes that demand exceeds supply for bus berths in each unit time, combines with the classical capacity calculation model and considers the delay when buses change lane leaving a bus stop. Moreover,this method analyzes the relationship between berth demand and traffic capacity,from the point view of supply and demand balance of bus berths.The Second Changjiang River Bridge Stop in Wuhan is selected as a study case.Accord-ing to the situation of this bus stop,the upper limit value of bus queue overflow probability is set as 15%.The results show that the probability that demand exceeds supply of this bus stop in one unit time (1 min)is more than 15%.By in-creasing the number of bus berths using this proposed method,the capacit of bus stops can meet the traffic demands (p<15%).This method will be very helpful for berths design of one bus bay stop.
An Analysis of Impact Factors of Boarding and Alighting Behaviors of Passengers Based on a Social Force Model
WANG Ya′na, ZHAO Yongxiang
2017, 35(1): 105-111. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.014
Abstract(285) PDF(5)
More passengers would be able to be transported to their destinations when boarding and alighting time of subways in rush hours is reduced and the efficiency of the system will be increased as well.Currently,most of the stud-ies on boarding and alighting behaviors of passengers are carried out based on the hypothesis that all the passengers on a train would get off,which is not the case for most boarding/alighting stations.In the present study,the scenario that only a part of passengers get off the train is investigated through a social force model.In combination with a waiting model,the remaining passengers are assumed to stay at their original position.The proportion and distributions of alighting passen-gers,ratio of boarding/alighting passengers as well as the influence of door width on the boarding/alighting time are sim-ulated and analyzed.The results show that boarding/alighting time of passengers decreases by 39.62% and 39.7% at most respectively when door width increases by 23.08%.With an increase of the ratio of boarding/alighting passengers,the av-erage boarding time tend to decrease while alighting time increases.Alighting time can be reduced to 72.16% when the lo-cations of alighting passengers are optimized.
An Organizational Scheme for Metro Traffic Based on Long-short Route Optimization
TIAN Sheng, MA Meina, YANG Jinming
2017, 35(1): 112-118. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.015
Abstract(352) PDF(5)
With purpose to reduce the traffic pressure of partial stations caused by uneven distribution of passenger flow,optimizing methods of the organization scheme of rail transit is proposed in this study.A model of bi-obj ective func-tion is developed,which includes value of travel time and load ratio of passengers.Values of transit time and waiting time are computed based on an assumption that passengers arrive at one station subordinates to uniform distribution.In order to reflect the characteristics differences of each routing section,load ratio of passengers and car base of different routings are defined based on long-short route optimization,which is more in accordance with the actual situation of the operation. A case study of Metro Line 6 in Guangzhou is conducted to verify the validity and rationality of this model.A particle swarm optimization algorithm based on global search is applied to solve the problem.The results show that,compared with the model in this study,the model only considering the value of travel time of passengers is reduced by 3.21%, while average ratio of passenger load is increased by about 20.2%.The average ratio of passenger load considering single travel time value is increased by about 2.55% under the circumstances of value of passengers travel time is reduced by 11. 98% when only considering the value of passengers travel time and the passenger load ratio comprehensively.In conclu-sion,the model propose in this study could satisfy two obj ective function values at the same time.
A Model for Designing Operation Plan of Shared Electric Bicycle Systems
CHEN Zhiwei, HU Yucong
2017, 35(1): 119-124. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2017.01.016
Abstract(230) PDF(2)
Current studies on operation plan of shared bicycle systems mainly focus on qualitative analyses that are varied in terms of criteria and corresponding conclusions are often inconsistent with observed consequences.Thus they cannot be applied to design operation plan of publicly shared electric bicycle systems which have a much higher require-ment of funds and facilities than shared bicycle systems.In order to overcome these problems,a quantitative model is pro-posed in this paper.First,a 0-1 mixed integer-programming model is constructed to select suppliers of public electric bi-cycle systems.Second,a dynamic programming model is developed to allocate resources.A numerical example based on simulation reveals that:①compared with qualitative analyses regarding capital and income as priorities,a quantitative model can relieve financial burden for the government by decreasing its capital requirement by 18.68% and 23.09%,re-spectively.②It is highly recommended by integrating both the government and enterprises during construction and opera-tion period of publicly shared electric bicycle systems.③The start-up stage of the systems is more sensitive to the funds provided by the government than in operation stage,thus it is necessary to increase the investment from the government during the start-up stage.